Saturday, May 03, 2008

Irish Cancer Society Ball

Like I said last time, many events were organised for cancer charities over the past few months. One of the main ones was the Irish Cancer Society ball at the Radisson SAS Hotel in Little Island. Celebrity lawyer Gerald Kean, pictured below (centre) was guest speaker for the evening. Gerald is solicitor to the stars, including Duran Duran; is dating Michael Flatley's former squeeze Lisa Murphy and is currently managing the Mayfield GAA team for reality TV series 'Celebrity Bainnisteoir'. Oh and has more money than you could shake a stick at....! Also pictured is the lovely Trish Larkin, a volunteer with the Irish Cancer Society.

My good friend Adrienne was also there in her fab floaty blue dress from Coast....
While former Cork hurler Tomas Mulcahy was MC for the evening, pictured below with Gerald...
And below are Radisson Hotel management with members of Irish Cancer Society... including Margaret O'Sullivan, stunning in red, Phil McKenna in vibrant tourqoise, Colette O'Callaghan in silver-grey satin and Nicola Fardy in chic black. I was at the Radisson table and had a great time with them... before ultimately taking to dance-floor to work off the delicious meal!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love your dress, martina! You look fab!

Oooh yeahhh...number 1:-)

11:33 p.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

wow.... sswwiiitt swwooooo

yeah ok, yer no 1. but well.... no 2 is the new no deal with it!!!

3:29 p.m.  

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