Monday, February 12, 2007

Fun at Cork CABAS Ball.

Another ball... another excuse to don another black dress (maybe I need to expand my colour repertoire!)
The Cork CABAS Ball at Rochestown Park Hotel was held on Saturday night, raising funds for the CABAS school on Boreenmanna Road, which caters for the needs of autistic children, with specialised one-on-one teaching. (See tomorrow's Evening Echo, by the way, for more details.)
The teachers at the school do an amazing job and are extremely dedicated, so it was lovely to see them let their hair down, so to speak, at the ball - and didn't they all look stunning! Amongst them were Debs, Jeanelle, Kate, Marie, Siobhan, Aishling and Caitriona (the latter whom will surely look equally dazzling at her wedding to Declan in August!). Other CABAS staff enjoying the night were Yolanda, the principal; plus supervisors Eithne,Triona and Rosarie. I'm sure a huge amount of money was raised (it was the impressive sum of €27,000 from the ball in 2006!) Well done to all involved. It was a great night. Here are a few photos below...

Laura Curtin of Communicate PR is having a giggle behind my back!

Here, one of the organisers, Martina Walsh and I are larking around - Neither of us meet Martinas very often so we were having a laugh over the Double Martina Special!

Below are Susan and John O'Leary, originally from Cork, who now live in Dublin and flew down specially for the ball...
And Jenny Coppens can boast one better... She came over from Belgium specially for the ball! She was also there in support of her daughter An, who was on the Ball committee. You might recognise An from the RTE seies How Long Will You Live? in which she helps members of the public achieve a balance between work and life in general... something most of us need help with, truth be told!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

What a stunning couple of photos on your blogg tonight.great piece keep up the good work.x
Guess Who?

8:56 p.m.  
Blogger BC_R said...

A campaign name…..mmm

M.O.D ( Martina on days)

W.O.R(women On radio)pronounced WAR

I am afraid I am not good at this..

note REDFM really under represents women now..

again we need to get as many people as possible to write. Make sure that all of the people you talk to speak to at least 5 other people and get them to write

9:24 p.m.  
Blogger martina said...

B_cr, you're much better at this sort of stuff than I am, believe me! I'm impressed!
And Anonymous... how can I possibly guess who? It's the whole nature of anonymity, is it not?!

10:54 p.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh dear god!
those are taking the phrase "photogenic" to the ultimate limit! u do the word an injustice martina!

8:13 a.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Martina, Hubba Hubba are the only words that come to mind......
You'd make a blind man see just to catch glimpse of your lovely face.......

6:33 p.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said... liking the campaign names!! Puretty good!!Im impressed!! We could go with M.O.D. and pronounce it "mad"!!

Oh, and Martina!! You're looking stunning in the photos!!(",)

10:29 p.m.  
Blogger BC_R said...

I am more partial to W.O.R..

because it has a wider social implication and not localized to just Martina. writing to the Corkman and pointing out the injustice to women on REDFM might
actually see print..

I am currently out of country.. will be for some time.. so.. Miss lala.... and Mr clever I am hoping you can get something going.. I will write my letters this week and send them.. but If I am the only one they hear from it will go no where.. They need to hear from a substantial number of people or it will just be ignored

You like Martina.. want to make her happy.. Pick up your pen and get others to do the same.

1:58 p.m.  
Blogger martina said...

Thanks everyone for the compliments - you keep me smiling!
b_cr... where are you? I know nothing about you! Perhaps you are an international spy or something like that?! And when do you plan to return?

10:18 p.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

b_cr is a top secret agent, i reckon...

Okay, I'll write mine tomorrow!! Too late now!! Gonna hit the hay! Nite everyone! Oh, and Martina...great to know that we're keeping you smiling(",)x

11:03 p.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i'm the secret agent around here... double..ohhhhhhhh seven".. hehe

4:02 p.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Wrote my letter..just need to post it now! Anyone else written theirs??

1:36 p.m.  

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