Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Another good weekend.

Just checking in on you all after a lovely weekend. Bic Runga at The Savoy was a highlight on Saturday night. Bic is the darling of New Zealand and while I'd be tempted to call her their answer to Kylie, it would be rather misleading as she sits in the singer/songwriter genre and her songs tend to be quieter than those of poppy, dance-y Kylie. There are no similarities whatsoever - the comparison is only made to illustrate that Bic is New Zealand's biggest seller, in much the same way as Kylie shifts units in her home territory.
Her petite, delicate frame belies a big personality, oodles of charm and wit, not to mention talent by the buckect load. Let's say I was impressed! Every time she has come to Cork in the past two years I have meant to go along but it never quite happened. I'm glad it finally did. And I'll be the first in the queue next time too!

The Art Fair in City Hall was also a very pleasant way to spend an afternoon. It was nice to meet the artists and browse their work. I even made a purchase... so it's frugal living for me for the rest of the month!


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