Thursday, July 06, 2006

Gigs, rants - the whole shebang.

Well, the music has been ringing out every night in Cork recently and it's been fantastic (mostly!) For Live at the Marquee, I got along to The Frames, who lived up to all their promises of being a great live act. I also got to the Monday night Kanye West gig which was... interesting. The atmosphere was incredible, the big hits were performed superbly and raised the roof as one would expect... but there were also some odd moments - like when he played us clips of tracks he worked on as a producer (a bit of a show off!) and his favourite songs (A-ha's 'Take On Me'? I didn't quite know where to look!!). He also went off stage a lot and left the orchestra, backing singers and DJ there to do stuff on their own. I thought he was undergoing an outfit change but he kept coming back in the same increasingly sweaty garb. Still, it was great to be there - and indeed great that a hip-hop giant like Kanye came to Cork in the first place.

I wasn't so enamoured with the Midsummer Festival's Spiegeltent events - well, I should clarify that the events were probably very enjoyable, the tent itself is magnificent - but the event's PR people were a nightmare. Despite requesting entry for last Saturday's Frank and Walters gig roughly a fortnight in advance (and being told that was fine) - I received a text message three hours befor the show informing me that the venue would be full - no room for me. I was covering the gig for The Evening Echo and so was distraught to receive that message. If everyone did that to me, there would be a lot of blank pages in the paper. I've never come across it before. It's highly unprofessional. It wasn't a one-off either - as they had done the same thing to me the week before at the Camille O'Sullivan gig - only on that occasion, I finally got in at the last minute through my own persistence.

Tonight it's Roxy Music Live at the Marquee with support from Jodavino, a Cork band we are playing at the moment on Cork's RedFM. It's them I want to see really - even if Roxy Music are the famous ones. Bryan Ferry supports what he calls "countryside traditions" - in other words: hunting. His idiot son broke ito UK's Parliament in protest and threatened to leave the UK for good when hunting was banned there (Big deal - let the jerk go... no brainer there). Anyway, Daddy Ferry thinks that's hilarious - which is why I will have my silent protest tonight and won't be clapping. I find hunting absolutely disgusting, as you might have guessed by now....

While I am ranting, let me vent at a certain shop on North Main Street. Selling sheets, duvets, curtains and that sort of thing, it is currently having a closing down sale. I went in the other day to get a duvet cover and sheets but picked up the wrong size. Realising my mistake, I went back to exchange it, package fully intact, an hour later. They didn't have it in the other size and refused to give a cash refund. I just find that sort of carry-on so mean spirited. When they can't operate like any normal shop, it's no wonder they are closing down - and I told them so too. I had to then go away with a manky duvet cover that I didn't want... so do me a favour and boycott. There are better people and places to which you can offload your money.

I was looking forward to a weekend away in Kerry and had booked two days off work, as well as a purchase of new clothes for the occasion - now sadly, the big plan is off. But you can't keep a good girl down... It's Des Bishop Live at the Marquee and a catch up with friends and family instead. Hopefully a lorra laughs ahead.....


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