Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Republic of Loose gig at RedFM.

It was a first for us at RedFM yesterday... a live gig on the office floor! The band in question was Republic of Loose, who of course are playing The Savoy tomorrow night. The audience was made up of listeners who won the chance to be there in competitions we've been running for the past week or so. So much preparation went into the event so well done to everyone involved... yesterday while I was on air, desks were being moved around, gear arrived, cables were pinned down and gradually the scene was set. The band played a concise but rockin' set of material including all the singles we know and love on the airwaves. With the sun shining outside, we chilled out with our Coronas and 7ups (not a typical work day at all!). Everyone enjoyed it and it was great to meet our listeners, many of whom came armed with cameras to document the occasion. Apologies again for my rather uncolourful blog... Philip has some great ones up on his though so check it out. It was a great success so I certainly hope we'll be doing it again soon... watch this space!


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